Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas with the Carrillos

We just pulled back into town from Rockport, TX, where we celebrated the Christmas holiday with the Carrillos. It was so great to be with them and to have a few days off from work. Lots of gifts and Cuban food, babies and toddlers, a filet mignon, and a scavenger hunt later, here we are back in Oklahoma.

While we were out of town, Tulsa received about 8-10 inches of snow, so we left our yard a big sheet of green and came back to a big sheet of white! But, we made if safely home, and we are so blessed this Christmas season to have wonderful family, good health, a warm fireplace to come home to, and lots of new dreams and goals and changes to look forward to in the year to come. Hope you all had a blessed holiday season as well.


Meant to be a mom said...

So glad you guys had a great Christmas. I hope you made it safely home into this crazy snowy weather. :)

Charity said...

Glad you had a good Christmas in Texas. We look forward to seeing you Saturday!

Anonymous said...

It was great to see you to have you over anytime, like your pics:)

Sandra Hill said...

Great pictures, It was good seeing you guys during Christmas time! The family sure keeps getting Ava is doing good, smiling alot more...Talk to you guys soon.

Love ya!

kanishk said...

you have a beautiful family.

Work from home India